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Top 5 Steps to Preventing Kidney Disease

kidney is a vital organ of the human body. A kidney is responsible for filtering the wastes, toxins, and excess fluids from the body. Kidney diseases affect these kidney functions and contribute to building up harmful stances in the body through the bloodstream. Kidney diseases could be chronic like kidney stones, UTI (urinary tract infection), and also polycystic kidney disease.  Kidney diseases could also be acute, occurs over a short period, and need immediate medical attention. Acute kidney diseases are dehydration, sepsis, medication effect blood flow, and cardiac arrest. That is why, preventing kidney diseases is paramount for maintaining good health. The article will discuss five steps for preventing kidney diseases.

Top 5 Steps to Preventing Kidney Disease

Control blood pressure:

High blood pressure is a hidden killer. It is injurious to kidney function, which is why it has to be checked regularly. Consumption of a low sodium diet, stress management, low consumption of alcohol, regular exercise and even intake of prescribed medicine help to keep the blood pressure within the limit.

Maintenance of a healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle is the key to good life. It requires eating healthy like a diet low in saturated fats, sodium, and processed food. Intake of whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. It helps in maintaining low blood sugar and blood pressure. Good kidney function also requires a good intake of water daily to prevent kidney stones. Maintenance of a healthy weight through exercise along with a balanced diet is important to prevent kidney disease. Smoking damages the blood vessels and eventually leads to developing kidney disease. Limiting the consumption of cigarettes and alcohol also helps to prevent kidney disease.

Management of diabetes:

Diabetes is injurious to kidney function. Management of diabetes is crucial for preventing kidney disease and slowing its progression. Blood sugar levels damage the kidneys and small blood vessels in the kidney manage with blood sugar. Careful management of blood sugar through medication, diet, and exercise helps to reduce and prevent the occurrence of kidney diseases. In addition to it, regular assessment of kidney function through blood tests and urine test also help to take timely preventive measure to reduce the risk of kidney diseases.

Regular exercise and limit overuse of medicine:

Regular participation in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week helps to prevent kidney diseases. Only use those medicine prescribed by the doctor and always avoid overuse of non-steroid inflammatory medicine for a longer period. Regular visits to the doctor and intake of medicine under doctor supervision also help to prevent kidney diseases.

Regular check-ups screening and staying hydrated:

Regular check-ups and kidney tests are significant preventive measures to reduce the risk of kidney diseases. Regular tests enable the healthcare provider to detect any potential issue in kidney function. It is important to follow the doctor’s advice if you experiencing a pre-existing condition like blood pressure and diabetes that can affect the kidney health. It is essential to keenly seek a doctor’s advice as a preventive measure to prevent kidney disease. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water flush out the toxins and help to prevent the formation of kidney stone. Another preventive measure is not to hold urine for a longer time as it lead to urinary tract infection. Sometimes improper hygienic condition genital area is also a risk factor for spreading bacteria and urinary tract infection. That is why, maintaining genital hygienic conditions also contributes to preventing kidney diseases.


By and large steps of preventing kidney disease are also a source of living a healthy life. Regular check-ups, exercise, proper hydration, and taking preventive measures against diabetes and blood pressure helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it is important to note that these steps only help to reduce the risk of kidney disease. There is no guarantee that these steps ensure the complete prevention of kidney disease. Regular discussions with healthcare professionals and check-ups are important to monitor kidney health and also for addressing any risk factor that links to the specific condition. So, that healthcare provider can develop a personalized plan to prevent kidney disease based on your medical history and need.

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