Ensure MBS

Revolutionize Your Revenue Cycle: The Ultimate Guide to AR Follow-up Management

Revenue cycle management has become more complex and uncertain especially in the healthcare industry due to medical billing. That is why, it becomes crucial for medical professionals to ensure effective account receivable (AR) follow-up management for the sake of generating revenues. However, medical coding, account management, documentation, appointment scheduling, reimbursement, and follow-up contribute to making the doctor’s job more hectic. Medical billing outsourcing companies go over important areas to concentrate on best practices for maximizing AR follow-up from filing claims to the collection of payment. The article will explore best practices and key areas of focus for optimizing AR follow-up.

Revolutionize Your Revenue Cycle: The Ultimate Guide to AR Follow-up Management

Streamlining Claim filing

Efficient claim filling is a stepping stone to a successful revenue cycle of a healthcare organization. An outsource medical billing company will help you to build a strong system and procedures to guarantee correct coding, on-time claim submission, and complete claim information. An outsourcing company will use the following services for simplifying the process of claim submission. These services included

  • Certified and trained coders will ensure accurate coding for medical billing
  • Intensively use electric claim submission to ensure quicker processing.
  • Utilize intelligent software solutions to identify coding errors and inconsistencies before submission.
  • Ensure adherence to regulations and standers to payer-specific guideline

Proactive denial management:

The biggest setback that doctors face during revenue collection is claim rejection. It drastically influences sales. The outsourced medical billing company will help the doctors to effectively manage the denials. Outsource medical billing companies take proactive abatement measures for denial management. These services included denial trends analysis and also help doctors to find causes that lead to denial rejection. These proactive denial management services of outsourcing company are following

  • Analysis of root causes and denial trends to make quick responses to denials.
  • Streamlining and automating the process to ensure prompt response to denials.
  • Use denial management software to streamline and automate denial follow-up.
  • Submitting and resubmission of appeal with supportive evidence promptly.

Optimizing follow-up of Accounts receivable:

Account receivable follow-up is a crucial part of revenue cycle management. The focal point of this section is to optimize the AR account follow-up process of healthcare organizations with the aid of an outsourced medical billing company. Outsource medical billing company other services that help to optimize the follow-up of accounts receivable are

  • An outsourced medical billing company patronizes accounts based on payment trends, outstanding balances, and age.
  • Implementation of efficient and effective workflows to track progress and streamline follow-up.
  • Utilize automation tools to send reminders and statements to payers and patients for proactive denial management.
  • Build a clear channel of communication with payers and insurance companies for the sake of faster resolution of rejected claims.

Reconciliation and payment posting:

For maintaining financial integrity, reconciliation, and accurate payment posting plays an important role. Outsourced medical billing companies offer best practices for reconciliation and payment posting. In this regard their services included

  • Minimize manual errors by utilizing automated payment posting tools.
  • Conducting reconciliation and audit regularly to ensure allocation of payments.
  • Identify and resolve discrepancies between received and expected payments.
  • Implement effective processes for reconciling and managing patient payments.

What makes Ensure MBS the best choice for you as an outsourced medical billing company?

In addition to above described services in account receivable follow-up, Ensure MBS also revolutionizes the revenue cycle. It is a leading medical billing outsourcing company that offers innovative and comprehensive solutions for improving AR management. Leveraging our expertise in timely claim submission, coding, advanced technology, proactive denial management, and payer relationships help doctors achieve exceptional AR performance. Your partnership with Ensure MBS to revolutionize your experience and revenue cycle with the benefits of effective and efficient AR management.


Outsourced medical billing companies are capable enough to revolutionize your revenue cycle by achieving the highest reimbursement rates. It continuously monitors, evaluates, and improves your revenue management. Our company helps you identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and also opportunities for improvement.  A trusted outsourcing company for medical billing dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to optimize the process of account Receivable (AR) management. It will not only offer a comprehensive guide to healthcare professionals but also help you to revolutionize your revenue cycle and increase the reimbursement process.

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