Ensure MBS


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Medical billing Services in USA


Elevate Your Podiatry Practice with Specialized Medical Billing Services

Podiatry is a precise science that demands unwavering attention to detail and a commitment to patient well being. Let our Podiatry Medical Billing Services be your partner in success. We don't just handle your finances; we're dedicated to your practice's growth and financial health.

Effective Podiatry Billing Services

Podiatry billing and coding can be complicated as some of the services provided may not be easily reimbursable by insurance companies, particularly Medicare. However, you need not worry, as our podiatry medical billing company specializes in handling the complexities of podiatry billing and coding. Our experienced billers are well versed in the process and will make sure that you get paid as quickly as possible. At Ensure MBS, we leave no stone unturned when submitting your claims. Our focus is on maximizing reimbursements and minimizing denials. We keep ourselves updated with the latest coding and billing guidelines to ensure that you receive enhanced reimbursements. So why wait? Let us take the burden off your shoulders and help you get paid faster.

Are you facing any challenges with billing and coding in podiatry?

We understand the frustration that comes with insurance companies reducing their payment amounts. It can also be confusing for patients when their coverage changes every year. However, there’s some good news for medical practices. By outsourcing your revenue cycle management (RCM) services to us, you’ll have a team of experts who will keep track of payer changes, so you won’t have to worry about keeping up with them.

Podiatry Billing and Coding Challenges

Medical billing for podiatrists involves a wide range of coding challenges that are unique to this field compared to other medical areas. We completely understand that dealing with the complexities of podiatry billing and coding can be a major frustration for healthcare providers. However, with Ensure MBS, you can say goodbye to the time consuming paperwork and complex requirements of payers. We are skilled at identifying errors in podiatry billing and coding, and we can help simplify the process for you.

Coding fails to distinguish between medically necessary and routine procedures

Payers typically do not cover routine foot care. However, in the field of podiatry, the same condition may require necessary medical treatment for one person while not being a concern for another. This is one of the reasons why it is essential to outsource podiatry medical billing services from a professional company with relevant experience. We offer accurate medical billing services for podiatrists, ensuring that they receive maximum reimbursements.

Payers are using modifiers inconsistently

Modifiers are additional codes that provide further details about a diagnosis or treatment, and they often determine whether it is covered by insurance or not. In podiatry billing and coding, different insurers have varying rules for modifiers, making it crucial for coders to be aware of what each company uses to determine what is covered. It’d be important that submitting accurate codes is getting timely payment, and our professional podiatry coders can help you with that. Our medical billing services aim to improve practice management, allowing you to focus on optimizing patient care.

Insurers Making Unfair Bundling Decisions

Payers often prefer to combine multiple medical procedures into a single coded item to simplify billing and payment processes. However, this approach can sometimes lead to inaccurate billing, under-coding, or over-coding. For podiatry medical billing companies, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the procedures being performed, so that they can identify and correct any incorrect bundles. They should also be knowledgeable about the correct method of data entry and how to handle appeals when the insurer’s inappropriate requirements result in non-payment.

Changes in location can impact your billing

Performing podiatric procedures in different facilities such as offices, hospitals, and nursing homes can complicate the billing process. Each payer has distinct billing guidelines for each facility, and it is essential to use consistent modifiers to indicate where the procedure was performed. If the modifier is incorrect or inconsistent, the claim may be denied. Moreover, an incorrect code in the patient’s chart may need clarification about the location of the procedure, leading to a rejection of the claim until all the details are rectified.


Book An Appointment

Please reach out to us today to talk about how our family medicine medical billing services can be tailored to suit your practice's unique requirements. Together, we can elevate your podiatry practice to new heights of financial success and patient satisfaction.

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